How To Schedule Teletherapy Sessions
Posted by Kristin Weingart on
Important Considerations Before You Customize:
- 1 Calendar/User (ex: your work calendar - and only you can use it)
- unlimited events to be scheduled (ex: can schedule as many sessions as you need)
- 1 event type (ex: pick one duration either 15 min or 30 minutes and stick to it)
- automated event notifications
- ability to add the sign up to a website
- if you're using google meet you can easily integrate conferencing within this platform.

Initial Set-Up Steps:
- I used my work email - Gmail account so that I could sync my work calendar with this platform.
- Click Allow - to allow calendly access to your Gmail account. This is to be able to update your calendar and invites for meetings (etc).
- (your URL here)____
- Some examples include:
- speechtherapy
- This is important! Make sure that the calendar is correct and shows your most up to date availability. If you're not available, calendly will automatically not let families sign up for a time when you're busy!
- Your sessions will also be added to this calendar.
- If you ever need to verify this is correct or change it later on it's under account > calendar connections
- You can edit your availability later but put a rough start and end time and days of week that you plan to allow families to sign up for.
Customizations To Complete
- Click "account" in the top right corner
- Click "account settings"
- Upload a Picture! This is a nice touch for families to see you before the video chats.
- Add a Welcome Message: mine states... "Hi There! Welcome to my teletherapy speech sign up! I'm excited to connect with you and work with your child 1:1"
- Name The Event
- Example: Speech Therapy Session - 30 Minutes
- Location: I've selected Google Hangouts/Meet
- Add a Description:
- In the description I've reminded families to only sign up for one session per week for now through the rest of the year and that I'll let them know if we can increase the frequency to 2x/week to give everyone a chance to sign up
- Include your contact information
- State When People Can Book
- Under the Hours Tab:
- include the duration that matches your event name
- modify the date range (I allowed sign-ups through the end of our school year)
- If you want to be unavailable one day, simply click on the date > click I'm unavailable (or make an all-day event that say's you're busy on your connected calendar).
- Under The Advanced Tab:
- You can set a max # of sessions each day
- You can also prevent sessions that are last minute by preventing events a certain # of hours away. I prevent events that are less than 8 hours away
- Make sure to buffer your events! (Allow for 5-10 minutes between sessions if possible! refill your water, go potty, take the puppy out, tend to your kiddos) Calendly allows you to automatically build this in!
- Customize The Invitee Questions (you can see what I added below)
- I added a place for a phone number
- I also added a space for family to attest that they'll be present for the session (yes/no)
- I also added a space for them to indicate that they signed the consent form.
- Notifications + Cancellations:
- I turned on email and text message notifications.
- in the cancellation policy I wrote the following: "Should you need to cancel your session for the week please know that there may be limited availability to reschedule."
When Your Families Sign Up:
- I used my work email - Gmail account so that I could sync my work calendar with this platform. You'll receive an email notification
- You'll also be able to view the event on the calendar that you have synced with calendly
- You can also find the events when you log in to your calendly account and click scheduled events.
- it is under this section that you will also be able to cancel or reschedule a session if needed and review the families contact information.
Private Practice Owners:
You may wish to upgrade your account for your branding purposes and to be able to integrate (private pay) billing with your account.
I hope you enjoy using this system and that it helps you streamline the scheduling process during this time. If you have any questions or if you found a new way to use it or customize that I haven't mentioned please feel free to share below! This is meant to start the conversation and help you as you navigate teletherapy services. It's something I'm starting to implement for my caseload and I hope it is a beneficial read for you.
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- 1 comment
- Tags: scheduling, teletherapy
I LOVE this step by step. I’m hoping to use something like this for the upcoming school year. What consent form/type of consent form did you have them fill out? We are trying to navigate with a bunch of new Admin and a handful tech-phobic therapists. :) I want to avoid 4 million calls and revisions of the schedule…. :) Thank you!!!!